Sunday, September 28, 2014

Paying For It

- not wanting to pay a prostitute for concern about getting in trouble witha  future girlfriend
- look like a loser
- how would you define exploitation
- whats unfair about paying for sex?
- is it worn’g for someone whose
- review boards: prostitutes expect a level of privacy and discretion from johns

- thinking the typical john is a guy who beats and murder a prostitute is like thinking a the guy who beats and murders his wife is a typical husband
- not all ways of making money are regulated.  we make money as cartoonists, but cartooning isn’t regulated
- johns don’t buy women - when you buy something you take it home and own it.  when you pay for sex, you part ways.
- power - sex workers dictate what they do and do not want to do.
- money influence - sex because of money is no different than sex because of love.
- self respect - stigma of being homosexual made homosexuals feel shame, depression, guilt etc before the sexual revolution. many sex workers find sex work empowering.
- choice - telling adults who had bad childhood they are not able to make responsible choices is not a good path. many women working in the sex industry feel less exploited than they would in other lines of work.
- violence - typically paid sex is pretty much the same as unpaid sex.  higher rates of violence are a result of sex workers being afraid to go to the police because of the legalities of their work situation (despite selling sex being legal)
- sexual objectification - emotional indifference.  what proof is there that being a john increases emotional indifference to women?
- human traffiking and sex slaves - what is human trafficking? who is demanding trafficked women?
- pimping - pimps lure women in by romancing them.  how many sex workers have pimps?
- exploitation - exploitation is when people are not fairly compensated for their work.

- “paying for it” - many think there’s an emotional cost in being a john - sad and lonely. health cost of sti risk. legal cost of arrest. social cost of exposure, loss of job.
- book - leaving mother lake

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